
Litigation refers to the process of taking legal action in a court of law to resolve a dispute. It involves representing clients through all stages of a lawsuit, from filing or responding to a complaint to presenting arguments in court. Litigation can cover a wide range of matters, including civil disputes, commercial disputes, personal injury cases, employment disputes, intellectual property disputes, and more.

Dispute Resolution

Dispute resolution encompasses various methods for resolving conflicts outside of traditional court litigation. These methods aim to achieve a resolution while avoiding a full-blown trial

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Litigation is the process of taking a legal dispute through the court system. It can be used to resolve a wide variety of disputes, including contract disputes, personal injury claims, and business disputes.

Dispute resolution duration varies: negotiation, weeks; mediation, months; arbitration, months to a year; litigation, a year or more. Actual times depend on complexity and method.

Negotiation’s success varies but can be effective in resolving complex disputes through compromise and mutual agreement. In cases where parties are committed to finding a mutually beneficial solution, negotiation can lead to satisfactory resolutions that avoid the costs and uncertainties of more adversarial processes like litigation.

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